Mabel Poblet Pujol
Mabel Poblet Pujol of Havana, Cuba is known for her paintings and photographs that are covered in small acetate shapes that are attached with tiny pins to the work’s surface.
Classically trained at the San Alejandro National Art Academy (2007) and the Higher Institute of Arts, Havana (ISA, 2012), Poblet Pujol works in photography, paint, kinetic installations, performance, and graphics. Recurring themes that occur within her work are personal struggles with her homeland, emigration and immigration, visuals versus words, existential reflections, and duplicity.
Poblet Pujol has participated in more than 20 solo exhibitions and has been in more than 100 group exhibitions. In 2017, she was invited to be part of the Cuban Art Pavilion at Venice Biennial. In 2018, she was awarded for an Exceptional Career by the Embassy of Mexico in Cuba.