Jennifer Lashbrook
Jennifer Lashbrook is a Dallas-based artist. With her love of painting established at an early age, she went to develop her talents by attaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Drawing and Painting, from the University of North Texas.
Lashbrook has become known for her “Paint Chip Art.” This method of collage involves individually cut pieces of paint swatch paper arranged to create a stunning pixelated work of art. From a distance, the colors blend to create a photo-realistic quality of work, with the individual ‘pixels’ becoming more distinguishable the closer one views the piece. Lashbrook is a modern impressionist, and her swatch paintings are the brushstrokes of the digital age. Her work shows a comical reference to the commercial, the digital and the reproducible.
In 2015 Lashbrook was listed in the Forbes 14 Contemporary Artists’ Pricing and Studio Feature. Her work can be seen on Fox’s Empire and Netflix’s Beats, as well as in the Hilton hotel chain, Ritz Carlton Dallas Penthouse, and KISS FM collections, among many others.